Friday, March 19, 2010

Saving $$- Thinking Outside the Box & Taking a Page From Corporate America

Cuts seem to be inevitable, in view of the Governor’s recent announcement of cuts to education, over $1.5 million to Pinelands alone. So why not take a page from Corporate America & offer voluntary job sharing as a way to trim costs? Job Sharing is a great way to down-size without eliminating staff.

For example: Teacher A is struggling with health problems, but loves teaching and does not wish to take a leave of absence. However, putting in a full day may be more than they feel they can handle. Teacher A comes in to work, and teaches Periods #2, 3, 4/5 with a Prep 6, leaving after 11:37 (3 hours and 37 minutes, half-work day). This assumes the 8-3:15 schedule. A 7:15-2:30 schedule would obviously be modified.

Teacher B gets health insurance through a spouse, and has small children. Teacher B would love to spend some time with them in the mornings, when they are active and awake. Teacher B leaves her children at lunch, and arrives at work by 11:38. Teacher B has 8th prep, and teaches 9/10/ 11/ & 12, leaving at 3:15 pm.

In this way the district covers six classes, and saves the cost of 1 salary. There may be many who would be eager to due this. Each teacher would keep his/her step & seniority, with the knowledge that this can be reviewed on an annual basis, and renewed at the Boards discretion. Should the Board decide the job sharing will no longer be offered, the teacher could then opt to return to full time work. In the same way- a teacher could opt on their own to return to full-time work, at the end of the year, for the next school year. Each party would have to agree to job-share for the full year.

There are legalities to consider- does Teacher A pay Teacher B for half-benefits- and who attends the staff meeting? Do they take turns? But all these things could be worked out if we are willing to think outside the box, on creative ways to save costs. I encourage other people to come up with cost-saving solutions. Let’s stop letting Trenton control all our decisions, the best ideas often come from the ground up!


  1. This awesome and absolutely a way to think outside the box. PRSD might also consider partnering with business...not just local, but corporate for supplies, technology and other areas of need. As many website note, the Principal is not the only one who has to do the asking...

  2. So true! Remember- we are not going backwards with these approaches- we are moving forward by offering employees more choices, and partnering with the district & the taxpayers by offering cost-saving solutions.


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